Pub. 4 2023 Issue 4

With Elections Over, Dealers Have an Obligation: Educate and Support

A Message From President and CEO, Don Hall

One of the many things I’m grateful for as we start 2024: that we live in a country where we can have free and open elections.

After the November election, I reminded our members that the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association is a nonpartisan organization that supports, financially and ideologically, both political parties. In our 75-year history, we have a flawless track record of working across the aisle to support the interests of a pro-business, pro-dealer climate and opposing those issues that run counter to our pursuit.

Our issues are not ones that make big headlines because they are ones that are supported by almost every politician in Virginia: a strong economy. A favorable business and tax environment. A market that is fair to consumers, dealership employees and dealership leaders.

How we reach those outcomes can vary, and there will be discussions, but these are not single-party issues.

Post-election, there are a total of 49 new faces in the General Assembly: 33 in the House of Delegates and 16 new Senators. When the General Assembly convenes at noon on January 10, 70 of the 140 members will have served less than four years.

And so, it is our obligation to enlighten the newly-elected members of the legislature on the franchise system. What can you do?

  1. Reach out to your legislators. Educate them on the franchise system. If they are members of a party that you, personally, traditionally do not support, that is all the more reason to pick up the phone and set up a meeting.
  2. Give to the VADA Political Action Committee. Many new legislators took on heavy expenses from their campaigns, and our support goes a long way toward helping them focus on issues and retire those debts. Money doesn’t buy votes, but it does give us access to talk about the important issues impacting the auto industry.

Reach out to Ralston King, our VP of legislative affairs, at or me for assistance setting up these meetings.

In a time of divisive politics, Virginia dealers should lead and show our citizens that we can, do and should work across the aisle and reach a consensus on issues that matter.

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