Pub. 1 Issue 2

15 3 Grassroots activities train future industry and associa- tion leaders. When someone gets involved at a grassroots level, such interest and action can demonstrate that they have the ability, the intelligence, and the willingness to do more. As people provide service through a grassroots activ- ism, it is not uncommon for them to be noticed and then given additional opportunities. If people who have the capacity to be leaders are going to become more influential and effective, it will be necessary to find them, educate them, and give them the opportunities they need for the future. VADA offers many ways for you to engage and offer your sup- port on priority issues that directly impact you, your business and the future of Virginia’s new car dealers. Everything from letter writing campaigns to engaging at critical times in the legislative process, local dealership meetings and our Annual Dealer Day are all ways you can engage in grassroots activism to help lawmakers understand why franchised new car deal- ers are critical to Virginia’s economy. VADA continues to be committed to ensuring a healthy business climate, promoting policies that protect Virginia’s franchised new car dealers and advocating on behalf of dealer members to elected officials and policymakers, but we can’t be nearly as effective as we can with your help. So please take the time to engage with us and your local legislators today. RETAIL WARRANTY REIMBURSEMENT (888) 477-2228 | WWW.DEALERUPLIFT.COM OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR CLIENTS: ‡ You Won’t Lift a Finger: Armatus does all the work for you ‡ Fully Contingent Fee: You only pay when you are approved ‡ Speed and Accuracy: Money in your pocket as quickly as 45 days ‡ Date Governance: Your customer information is safe with us OUR AVERAGE CLIENT ADDS $168,000 TO THEIR BOTTOM LINE WE ARE ENDORSED BY 13 STATE DEALER ASSOCIATIONS WE HAVE WORKED WITH OVER 4,300 DEALERS WE WORK IN 48 STATES WITH 24 MANUFACTURERS Endorsed by 2019 VADA Family Convention June 23-26, 2019 The Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, WV