Pub. 1 Issue 1

3 Did you have past experiences that helped your leadership in VADA? I do. Back about ten years ago, when the industry was reeling from the effects of the recession, a lot of dealers received notices from manufacturers that their dealerships were being revoked, if you will. I was one of them. When you receive something like that – I don’t care how sea- soned you are, it’s unnerving. The range of emotions that hit all at once were nothing short of debilitating. I immediately called VADA and instantly I had people on my side and I felt better because I wasn’t alone. It wasn’t just me fighting for my dealer- ship, my family’s livelihood, my employees and their ability to support their families; and therein lies the value of VADA. Fast forward, and many discussions later, my dealership of course, wasn’t revoked. But, my gratitude over my membership in VADA continues to this day. Don and his team were amaz- ing. They worked tirelessly on my behalf. I knew I was in good hands, and because of that I could focus on the day-to-day business of running my store. What inspired you to serve as a leader within the association? I want to give back, pay it forward. I think we all have an ob- ligation to give back to that which gives to us. I love the car business. It’s been good to me and my family. It’s allowed me to follow a dream, and make a positive impact in my town. In looking back at this year, what stands out for you? Are there any accomplishments that you are especially proud of? There really isn’t one big thing. I am incredibly impressed with VADA as a whole, and I think that can be attribut- ed directly to Don Hall and the staff. Don runs a quality organization and I am proud to be affiliated with it. Serving on the board over the past twelve years has been the ride of my life and I am so grateful. I’m a very small dealer from southwest Virginia, and to chair an organization like VADA was a tremendous growth opportunity for me per- sonally, and very humbling. I had people on my side and I felt better because I wasn’t alone. It wasn’t just me fighting for my dealership, my family’s livelihood, my employees and their ability to support their families; and therein lies the value of VADA.