Pub. 1 Issue 1
23 23 FOR MORE CONVENTION PICS, LOOK HERE! M any falsely believe that since they can now access industry information via the Internet that the days of the live meeting are gone. The truth is, meet- ings are more important than ever. The value in meetings comes from the human-to-human connections that occur. Often people cite the serendipitous “hallway conversations” that they have with other attendees as the most valuable parts of attending an event. While these are not on the agenda, or mentioned in the breakout sessions learning objectives, when two or more people begin to discuss topics on a deeper and personal level, the success of the event to those involved becomes irreplaceable. It is the people that bring the ROI to your time at a conference. Again, thank you to those that attended, and for those that didn’t, we hope to see you next year!
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