Pub. 1 Issue 1
8 VIRGINIA AUTO DEALER DVERTISE Advertisement Opportunity! Business-to-Business Marketing That Moves Products and Services Business-to-Business Marketing That Moves Products and Services Advertisement Opportunity! VirginiaAutoDealer Magazine represents the new car and truck dealers in Virginia. VADA members include persons, firms, or corporations holding a direct factory franchise who are actively engaged in the business of buying and selling new automobiles and trucks at a regular place of business in Virginia. As the official publication of the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association, VirginiaAutoDealer Magazine embodies the industry’s highest standard and reinforces the organization’s sterling professional image. Virginia 1 Virginia CybersecurityFor Dealers 75 th Anniversary ConferenceRecap The importance of I-9’s ISSUE12018 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE VIRGINIA AUTOMOBILE DEALERS 3 28 32 See our Media Kit for more information
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